Do you know people who seem to get everything in their life they desire, such as the perfect relationship, an incredible job, financial abundance, and their lives are filled with joy and happiness? They seem to have the Midas Touch.
Do you consider yourself as living the life you truly desire? If so, you probably don’t need to read any further because you have tapped into your inner power. If you want to create a more fulfilling life, whether it is more fulfilling relationships, peace and tranquility, or physical or mental healing, it’s time to “Release the Kracken,” so you can create what you want right here and now. What I mean by “Release the Kracken,” is releasing negative beliefs that are unknown to us but are trapped in our subconscious mind.
Some of you may remember the documentary The Secret that came out in 2006. The focus was the Law of Attraction. At the time it was new and exciting. Everyone was talking about the Law of Attraction! However, since 2006 science has made leaps and bounds into the discoveries of the power of our subconscious minds. Many people have challenges in physical healing, creating or bringing into their lives what they desire because they have deep-seated subconscious traumas and beliefs that they are unaware of which are blocking their power to create a fulfilling life.
A powerful book to read to explain in more detail about the blocks in our subconscious mind is The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson which is a technique used in holistic alternative medicine to identify and release trapped emotions in the body. The theory behind the Emotion Code suggests that negative emotions from past experiences can become trapped in the body at a cellular level, causing physical and emotional discomfort. These trapped emotions can be released through a process of identifying the specific emotion and using various techniques to release it, such as magnetic therapy or visualization.
Healing the subconscious is a powerful tool for personal transformation and inner growth. It is a process of becoming aware of and releasing subconscious patterns, traumas, and limiting beliefs that are blocking us from our highest potential. It is based on the understanding that our subconscious holds the answers to our emotional, physical, and mental well-being. By becoming more aware and releasing old patterns, we can break free from cycles of repeated patterns and gain clarity on our life’s path. Healing the subconscious can also uncover new potentials and create positive new patterns in our lives. It can help us reach our goals faster and create healthier, more harmonious relationships with ourselves and those around us.
Working with the subconscious involves utilizing techniques and methods that can help access and influence the deeper layers of the mind beyond our conscious awareness. These techniques are intended to help individuals identify and overcome psychological barriers, limiting beliefs, and negative thought patterns that may be holding you back. Some common techniques for working with the subconscious include mindfulness, visualization, affirmations, meditation, breathing, and sound therapy. These methodologies can help individuals relax their conscious mind, allowing access to deeper levels of awareness and a greater potential for positive change. Working with the subconscious mind can be useful for personal growth, healing emotional wounds, achieving goals and “Releasing the Kracken” that is keeping you from manifesting easier and faster all that you desire.
Rev. Dr. Laura Shackelford
Rev. Dr. Laura Shackelford is an ordained Religious Science Minister. She has been at the Palm Desert Spiritual Center as a minister over 20 years and has served as the Assistant Minister for 10 years. For 18 years she served as the recording secretary for Religious Science International and then for Centers for Spiritual Living. She can be reached at