Rev. Dr. Laura Shackelford

Co-Spiritual Leader

Rev. Dr. Laura Shackelford is an ordained Religious Science Minister. She has been at the Palm Desert Spiritual Center as a minister over 20 years and has served as the Assistant Minister for 10 years. For 18 years she served as the recording secretary for Religious Science International and then for Centers for Spiritual Living. She can be reached at laurashackelford8@gmail.com.

Rev. Dr. Dale Olansky

Co-Spiritual Leader

Rev. Dale Olansky is a licensed minister through Emerson Theological Institute and currently serves as Lead Practitioner at Spiritual Center of the Desert in Palm Desert, California. She teaches classes and co-facilitates Spirit of Women. Rev. Dale has built her own spiritual counseling practice and works with individuals and couples and leads women’s retreats. She is a published author, and her inspirational book, “Fear to Faith: A Daily Guide to Finding Solace in an Uncertain World” can be purchased through Amazon. Rev. Dale can be reached at revdaleo@gmail.com.



Rev. William Conway

Assistant Minister

Rev. William Conway is a licensed minister through Emerson Theological Institute and currently serves as the Assistant Minister at Spiritual Center of the Desert in Palm Desert, CA. Rev. William teaches classes, facilitates the Drum Circle and he will even cook you brunch as he leads karaoke. He started the Men’s Group at the Center. He brings a practical aspect to spiritually by showing you the Divine Power in everyday life. Whether riding his Harley or Jeeping on top of a mountain, Rev William gets his inspiration from being outdoors and one with nature. Rev. William is a renaissance man and there isn’t a situation he can’t fix. He is the spiritual and physical caretaker of the center. To reach Rev. William please call the center or email him at revwilliamconway@gmail.com.